Weight Loss Center of DC, LLC and Diet Doctor DC, LLC are both independent corporations, however for the purpose of these websites are referred to herein individually or collectively as “the Company” ,“WLCD”, “DDDC”, “Us”, “We”, “Our”, “Ours”, “Facilitator” or “Management”. The WLCD Website and DDDC website referred herein as “Website”, “Websites”, “Site”, “Sites” is for informational purposes and is intended to be utilized by a Patient re-ferred herein as “Patient”, “Reader”, “You”, “Your”, “User”, “Yourself”, “I”, “Customer”, or “Applicant”.
The purpose of WLCD and DDDC Sites is for a Patient to learn about the benefits of the natural human hormone HCG, medically known as Human Chorionic Gonadotrophin, and Other Medical Related Prescription Products offered on the Sites together referred herein as “Products”, “Other Medical Products”, “Items” or “Medical Merchandise”.
This Patient Security and Privacy Policy referred herein as “PSPP” refers to data collected through the Company Website which is intended to be used only for Patient Informational purposes referred herein as “Patient Information”. Anyone utilizing this Site is referred herein as “Reader”, “You”, “user”, “Your”, “I”, “Yourself”, “Customer”, “Patient” or “Applicant”. Nothing contained in this PSPP is intended to usurp or interfere with a Patient’s Primary Care Physician referred herein as “PPCP” in their medical practice or the care of the Patient.
The Company may from time to time updates this PSPP to comply with the then current federal Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act referred herein as “HIPAA”, and State and Federal laws or regulations. The purpose of this PSPP is to memorialize how a Patient’s medical and personal information is obtained, stored, protected and utilized. A Patient should be aware that this PSPP does not contain or pertain to all categories of a person’s medical history. Additional medical information could be subject to additional protections under a particular state or federal law.
A Patient’s Personal Information
When a Patient desires to acquire HCG or Other Medical Products through this Site certain personal information is required and gathered to obtain the various products. This information includes, but is not limited to, a Patient’s name, address, telephone, E-Mail address, prior and current medical Information. This information may be obtained through, but not limited to, various means of HIPPA and non-HIPPA communication such as: patient completed medical history forms [herein referred to as PMHF]; information obtained through a Physician and Patient audio-visual or Smart Phone Consultation provided through this Site; Pharmacy and Prescription documentation; Physician’s written communications; the Company employee emails and texts; web-site browser cookies, web-site page roaming; Patient’s physical exam reports.
Patient understands and agrees that any information gathered will be utilized, among other purposes, to inform Company Independent Consultation Doctor of Patient’s medical history, and to operate the Company Site business.
Patient Age Limitation
Any minor under the age of eighteen [18] may not utilize the services of this Site. This restriction applies even with a parent or guardian’s approval.
Sharing Patient Medical Information
Patient’s medical health information is protected on secure HIPAA servers in compliance with the federal Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act. This information may be shared with a Licensed U.S. Pharmacy if any Prescription Product is desired, with any Physician involved in obtaining HCG or Other Medical Product for a Patient. The Company does not bill, process claims or share information with insurance companies. Also , the Company does not disclose any of a Patient’s medical information. That includes transferring, trading or selling information to any outside individual or business other than those mention above without a Patient’s consent. Not withstanding anything herein to the contrary, any non-medical or nonpersonal information may be utilized for marketing or advertising purposes.
Sharing Information With Governmental Agencies
The Company will cooperate with any State’s Medical Board, Department of Health and Services and Federal laws to determine if the Company is complying with HIPAA’s requirement for protecting a Patient’s records.
Sharing Information Under Legal Direction
The Company may be required to share a Patient’s Information if required to do so because of a Legal Action that is required by a Court Order Subpoena.
Patient’s Information
As a Patient of the Company, you have a right to any of your personal information. This information may be obtained through the Company’s Corporate Office.
The Company’s Use Of Computer Cookies
A “Cookie” is a small text file created by a website that is stored in the user’s computer either temporarily for that session only or for future sessions. Cookies provide a way for a website to recognize the user and to keep track of their preferences. Cookies can be beneficial to the website user, for example, if a user places items in a “Shopping Cart”, then switches to another page on the website or even another site, and later they come back, the website recognizes the user and the current status of their Shopping Cart. Also, if a Patient’s User ID and Password, is stored in a Cookie, it saves the user from typing in the same information all over again when accessing the website the next time.
Sale and Site Opportunities
From time to time, the Company may have special product offers, product sales or general information for correcting, deleting or updating Site information that is available to specific Company Site Visitors. This Information may be transmitted by electronic means, such as Email, Text, Telephone or U.S. mail. If, at anytime, a Visitor desires not to receive such Information, the process will be terminated.
Patient’s Consent
When a Visitor or Patient utilizes the Company Website, they are consenting to this Patient Security and Privacy Policy.